Palmer, IL-Anderson Cemetery

Palmer IL-Anderson Cemetery

There are a lot of orbs that are seen by many. And on certain nights, there are dark shadows with red eyes. The cemetery is said to be filled with creepy paranormal activity. There is an old part of the cemetery that, in the daytime is supposely unreachable. Only after dark will the trees suppose to part and the path appears again to the ancient tombstones. It is also said that it is haunted by a specter wolf that is said to chase trespassers. Also, Reports of a Woman dressed in black. Reports of cars stalling inside the cemetery or soon after leaving the cemetery.


Is this place they are talking about, the Palmer, IL Cemetery, or the Clarksdale, IL Cemetery?

“Is rural Illinois’ infamous “Graveyard X” simply a publicity stunt that got out of hand, or is it a portal to the beyond?” Michael Kleen.

Most visceral experience I’ve had

“Don’t taunt the unseen. There is a bench between two trees. DON’T sit on it, DON’T stand on it. We had a phantom chase us back to the entrance. Honestly, truly, horrifying. Exercise caution and get home safely..” From Illinois Haunted Houses.

“My experience with sitting between the two trees was listening to them talk to each other. Other than that, nothing else happened”. -Tracie Hicks

Check out the video below from Soul Searching.

Jul 23, 2022, HAUNTED EXPLORING … Stories about a hidden ancient cemetery and an attacking Dire Wolf have made Graveyard X one of the creepiest cemeteries in Illinois. Although I didn’t find these paranormal anomalies, I did get interesting replies, creepy sensations, and a weird shadow orb.

5 thoughts on “Palmer, IL-Anderson Cemetery

  1. I have a video on my facebook of the witch’s bridge at palmer-anderson cemetery. It was the scariest thing ever! Our car would not start on the bridge until we let the minute pass. Also no matter how many times you try, you can’t get a picture of the bridge…it only turns black on your camera’s screen.

  2. iv been goin to andersons every year for the past 4 years on holloween, this place is kinda spooky and has a lot of paranormal activity. But i do love going only because its better than a haunted house

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